The Seldarine

The Fair Folk of the Realms worship a pantheon of deities known as the Seldarine, a complex term that can be roughly translated as "the fellowship of brothers and sisters of the wood". They act independently of one another, but the elven powers are drawn together by love, curiosity, and friendship to combine their strengths, to accomplish a task, or in the face of outside threats.


Corellon Larethian, the acknowledged ruler of the Seldarine - sometimes joined by his consort, who is either identified as Sehanine Moonbow or Angharradh - reinforces this freedom of action and compels none of the Seldarine to perform any task. Instead, the gods of the elven pantheon seem to sense when something needs doing, and they simply gather when necessary. With the exception of some, most members of the Seldarine reside in the realm of Arvandor - a term that means "The High Forest" in elvish - on the plane of Arborea on the layer known as Olympus.

The Seldarine are closely linked with the gods of the Seelie Court and other sylvan deities, and the Fair Folk often include prayers to other faerie powers when worshiping the Seldarine. All faiths that venerate one or more members of the Seldarine practice tolerance for followers of the other elven gods as well as for religions of closely allied nature (the cult of Skerrit the Forester being a prime example). The Seelie Court is more or less assumed to include the deities of the sprites, pixies, nixies, atomies, grigs, satyrs, korred, nymphs, brownies, leprechauns, dryads, unicorns, pegasi, centaurs, swanmays, killmoulis, treants, pseudodragons and faerie dragons and it is ruled by Titania and Oberon. (The enemy of the Seelie Court is the Unseelie Court, ruled by the Queen of Air and Darkness.) While such powers have close ties to the elves, they are not counted as part of the Seldarine.

While the gods of the elven pantheon are actively involved in the collective lives of their worshipers, few intervene directly in events affecting a particular individual or even a small group of elves. Like the Fair Folk, the Seldarine tend to have very longrange perspectives, and they never intervene directly in the unfolding history of the Realms without a great deal of consideration and discussion. Notable instances of intervention by the Seldarine have resulted in the creation and settlement of Evermeet, the Descent of the drow, the decision to summon representatives of the elves to the Elven Court of Cormanthyr, the founding of Myth Drannor under the guiding principles it embodied, the creation of the Harpers, the initiation of the Retreat that began in the Year of Moonfall (1344 DR), and the defense of Evermeet in the Year of the Unstrung Harp (1371 DR).

The Gods

Aerdrie Faenya
• The goddess of air, weather, rain, fertility, aveans and winged elves.

Alathrien Druanna
• The goddess of conjurations, rune magic, geometric magic

• The power who is both three separate goddesses as well as a single goddess who subsumes their separate aspects.

Araleth Letheranil
• The god of light, starlight, and twilight.

Corellon Larethian
• The leader of the Seldarine and the patron of most aesthetic endeavors, like magic, music, arts, crafts, war, and poetry.

Darahl Firecloak
• The god of earth and flame phenomena, and elemental earth and fire magic.

Deep Sashelas
• The patron of sea elves, and the god of creation, knowledge, underwater and sea elven beauty, and water magic.

Erevan Illesere
• The god of mischief and change and the patron of elven and half-elven rogues.

Fenmarel Mestarine
• The patron of feral elves, outcasts, scapegoats, isolation and isolationists.

Hanali Celanil
• The goddess of love, romance, beauty, fine art and the patron of artists.


Kirith Sotheril
• The goddess of divination and enchantment magics.

Labelas Enoreth
• The god of time, longevity, the moment of choice, and history.

Melira Taralen
• The goddess of half-elven bards, elven minstrels, and songwriting.

Mythrien Sarath
• The god of protection, abjurative magic, and mythals.

Naralis Analor
• The god of healing, the easing of pain, and death.

Rellavar Danuvien
• The god of frost sprites and protection from the elements (particularly the cold).

Rillifane Rallathil
• Protector of the woodlands, guardian of the harmony of nature, and patron of wild elves and druids.

Sarula Iliene
• The goddess of lakes, streams, nixies, and water magic.

Sehanine Moonbow
• The goddess of the (full) moon, the stars, the heavens, moon elves, mysticism, dreams, death, journeys, and transcendence.

• The god of vengeance, hatred of the drow, military crusades, loss, and revenge.

Solonor Thelandira
• The god of hunting, archery, and survival in wild and harsh places.

Tarsellis Meunniduin
• The god of mountains, rivers, snow elves, and wilderness.

Tethrin Veraldé
• The patron of bladesingers and swordsmanship.

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